How to extract prices from eCommerce websites

Avatar photo Paul Morello
Updated: April 25, 2024
Published: April 25, 2024

There are multiple ways to scrape your competitor prices, let’s see some of them.

The easiest way to extract price from every ecommerce site is to open each product page, copy the price and paste it on your excel file…but this is something you can do every day, right?

That’s why there are many software and services who can help you to automatically extract your competitor products price and save them in a database or excel file.

eCommerce Price Scraping Online Services:

Pricefy is definitely the best choice if you want to easily extract price from any ecommerce website. You just need to insert your competitor product page and Pricefy does the rest, extracting the price and comparing it with your product and showing you several data insight.

It’s forever free up to 50 products and then costs $29 per month per 100 products.

Prisync is another great online scraping tool. It lets you export info from your competitors and export them as csv/excel.

Free for 14 days and then costs 99$ per month per 100 products.

Pricemole like Pricefy and Prisync is an useful service and let you extract your competitor’s prices easily.

Free for 14 days and then costs 49$ per month per 100 products.

eCommerce Price Scraping Software:

Screaming Frog (Mac & Win) is a great software to crawl your competitor website and extract price from each product page thanks to his extraction feature (very powerful). You can find more info here

The licence cost is about $225 per year.

Sitesucker (Mac) + DataExtractor App (Mac) is a great combo to obtain a low cost and performing scraping software. With Sitesucker you scrape and save your competitor’s ecommerce product pages and then, with DataExtractor App you parse those pages to extract the price and save it in csv/excel format.

The cost for DataExtractor App is $49 while Sitesucker is totally free.

Hire a freelance to build an e-commerce scraper :

This is the last and most expensive solution and is usually adopted when the target ecommerce website is not scrapable by other solutions, maybe because it has an aggressive anti-bot system or the template is hiding the information you need or because your competitor’s website has millions of products/pages so is cheaper to build your own scraping solution rather than use an external service.

You can start posting your project’s details on Upwork ,Fiverr or, if you have much bigger budget on TopTal.

Please remember that building an ecommerce scraper is a time consuming task which could take months especially if your competitor’s website is protecting itself using anti-bot method like Cloudfare.

What about the law? Is scraping an e-commerce website legal?

We could say that scraping prices from e-commerce stores is considered pretty legal but if you want to know more about this topic we suggest you to read our article here Is it legal to scrape ecommerce store?

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Paul Morello